bleahey8Aug 14, 20212 min readSpatialSoft - Understanding Virtual Expansion - A Review of John Palmer's "Spatial Development""A successful man is the one who can lay a firm foundation with the bricks others have thrown at him." The words of the late, great...
bleahey8Aug 11, 20213 min readGameStart: Depth Meets Planarity and Gamification - Reviewing John Palmer's "Spatial Interfaces"The glitz and glamor of any French Riviera trip wouldn't be complete without a visit to the tiny principality of Monaco's Monte Carlo...
bleahey8Aug 4, 20211 min readGo Long and Pass Back: The Emerging Feasibility of Cryptocurrency as a Means of RemittanceA graph of inbound and outbound remittances corresponding to each jurisdiction, as well as its respective cryptocurrency ownership...
bleahey8Jul 31, 20212 min readAristotle's Reshuffle - A Review of Jon Stokes' "The Billion User Table"It's not a breakup - Big Tech's inevitable restructuring will echo the refrain often attributed to Classical Greek Philosopher Aristotle,...
bleahey8Jul 13, 20213 min readDigitizing Consent of the Governed - A Review of John Palmer's "Voluntary Governments"Born of a forceful breakaway from oppressive British Colonialism, early America experimented with various governmental configurations,...
bleahey8Jul 10, 20213 min readStokes' Theorem: Crypto Edition"Fix the Fiat!" A rallying cry for cryptocurrency (crypto) enthusiasts and purveyors of broken-down Italian Auto, alike. With a cheeky...
bleahey8Jul 7, 20213 min readHalftime HODL: The 2021 Crypto Crystal BallSuper-Bowl Sunday: A magical, kinetic experience in which the latest up-to-date advertising information is being broadcast to an...
bleahey8Jul 5, 20211 min readReviewing Nir Eyal's Indistractable: Making Time for Traction in a Distractible WorldNir Eyal’s Indistractable establishes the path of the perseverant: distraction mitigation. As for many millennials, myself included, the...